About Us
what we do
GreenSpace Recycling’s commitment to optimizing waste management solutions comes from understanding the intricacies involved in responsible decision making, the consquences of making poor decisions, and promotes a greener, healthier environment.
Our tailored services are designed with the best interests of our clients in mind. We recognize that every property is unique whether it’s a garden style property or a high rise community and work closely to create a customized program to seamlessly meet your waste management needs.
Daily or weekly service calls include on-site recycling, sorting, leveling, waste distribution, hauler communications, and janitorial services tailored for multifamily housing and commercial businesses. This on-the-ground approach is hands-on, emphasizing the significance of actively managing waste volume. As a result, GreenSpace Recycling minimizes the risk of recycling contamination, diverts recyclable material from entering the landfill, mitigates overages, ensures compliance with regulations, and stabilizes a clean and green curb appeal.
It’s not just about profit with us, what we do benefits both parties.

What Makes Us Unique
Our administrative team offers offsite concierge services, efficiently resolving issues with garbage haulers, such as missed dumps, illegal dumping, and delivery of recycling receptacles. Additionally, they take the time to carefully scrutinize bills, dispute charges, request credits, explain unexpected added costs, coordinate with haulers and third-party billers, and otherwise troubleshoot on your behalf.
We don't just operate in the communities we serve – we work and live there too. Our team has over two decades of direct experience in property management, maintenance supervision, regional portfolio direction, waste remediation techniques while also working directly with investment owners. This deep-rooted connection allows us to understand the unique hauler and municipality solid waste regulations and requirements of each area we serve.
Rick and Mickayla have in-depth knowledge of the waste and recycling industry and a personal understanding of the challenges faced by property owners and managers. They’ve walked in your shoes and know firsthand that dealing with trash can be a real pain! In fact, their collective experience launched their quest to be true pioneers for change. They are the driving force behind all we do!

At GreenSpace Recycling, we’re committed to problem solving, communication and quick response times while managing environmental impact. By promising to greet everyone with a warm smile and empowering our employees to reduce the carbon footprint in our communities, we emphasize the value and respect we hold for both people and the environment.
Corporate Management

John Chamberlain

Austin Pierce
Chief Operating Officer

Amy Dishaw
Accounting/Compliance Director

Tracey Larson
HR Manager
Washington Division

Angela Pierce
Project Manager

Brett Saltus
Operations Manager Spokane, WA

Martin Romero
Tri-Cities, WA

Tiera Yapp
Billing Manager

Mallory Connell
Spokane, WA
California and Oregon

Ruben Rositas
San Jose, CA

Colleen Schneider
California & Oregon Division